Prescription Drug Coverage

If you enroll in the HOP Medical Plan or the Value Medical Plan (Medicare Supplement plans), you can enroll in the Medicare Plus Rx Option or the Medicare Standard Rx Option.

Note: You can enroll in these options on a stand-alone basis if you don’t want medical coverage. However, you will not be eligible for Premium Assistance.

If you select a Medicare Advantage plan, your prescription drug coverage is provided with your medical coverage. You cannot select a separate prescription drug coverage option.

Medicare Plus Rx Option

  • $200 annual deductible (excludes generic medications)
  • Pay less for certain medications
  • Includes coverage of certain medications not covered at all under the Standard Rx Option or Medicare prescription drug programs offered by commercial carriers (see the Bonus Drug List in the back of the formulary)
  • Higher premium than Standard Rx Option because the Plan provides greater coverage
  • Medicare Plus Rx Option benefit overview (PDF 39KB)

Medicare Standard Rx Option

  • Lower monthly premium
  • Must satisfy Medicare’s $590 annual deductible (in 2025) before Plan pays any portion of your prescription drug expenses (excludes generic medications)
  • Financial protection in the event of unexpected high-cost prescription drug expenses
  • Medicare Standard Rx Option benefit overview (PDF 39KB)
Compare your options

Download the Medicare Rx Options Comparison Chart (PDF 52 KB) for a side-by-side comparison of the Medicare Rx Options.

Also review the formulary (list of covered drugs). The Medicare Rx Options use different formularies. There are certain medications that are covered only under the Medicare Plus Rx Option (see the Bonus Drug List in the back of the formulary).

Find a drug or pharmacy

Use the tools below to search for drugs by name, tier, or therapeutic class. Note: If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, the drug formulary for that Plan will be different. Check with your Plan for the most updated formulary.

Medicare Plus Rx Option

Medicare Standard Rx Option

Exceptions and Appeals

We encourage you to let us know right away if you have questions, concerns, or problems related to the Medicare Plus or Standard Rx Options. Please call our Customer Service numbers as follows:

  • For questions regarding the Medicare Plus or Standard Rx Options, including the formulary, prior authorizations, mail service orders, Explanation of Benefits (EOB), or the cost of individual drugs, please call Optum Rx at 1-888-239-1301.
  • For questions regarding eligibility, monthly premium payments, identification cards, or changes in address, please call the HOP Administration Unit at 1-800-773-7725.

A summary of Appeals and Grievances regarding the Medicare prescription drug plans follows. For more details, see the applicable Annual Notice of Changes and the Evidence of Coverage posted to the Documents and Forms page.

Federal law guarantees your right to make complaints if you have concerns or problems with any part of your care as a participant of a Medicare Rx plan. Making a complaint will not affect your participation in this Plan in any way. A complaint will be handled as either a coverage determination, an appeal, or a grievance, depending on the subject of the complaint. The following sections describe each type of complaint.

Reporting Fraud

The Medicare prescription drug benefit was implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to allow all Medicare beneficiaries access to prescription drug coverage beginning on January 1, 2006.

Medicare is interested in receiving reports of potential fraud, waste, or abuse from Medicare beneficiaries. 

If you have a general question or concern related to your Medicare drug benefit and it is not a potential fraud, waste, or abuse issue, please contact the HOP Administration Unit at 1-800-773-7725 or call 1-800-Medicare. You may also contact the PSERS fraud, waste, or abuse hotline at 1-800-778-2703 or 717-772-3883.

Last Modified: March 26, 2025

Prescription drug coverage resources